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UCAN becomes the Lord Mayor's Charity 2023/24

We are looking forward to supporting UCAN - the Lord Mayor's Charity!

UCAN is a remarkable organisation making waves in empowering youth through creativity. UCAN Productions, short for Unique Creative Arts Network, is a groundbreaking initiative that provides opportunities for visually impaired young people to explore their artistic talents, build confidence, and develop invaluable life skills. With a mission to break down barriers and create an inclusive society, UCAN Productions has become a shining beacon of inspiration within the local community and beyond.

UCAN Productions operates on the belief that visual impairment should never limit an individual's potential for artistic expression and personal growth. Through a wide range of creative arts programs, workshops, and performances, UCAN empowers visually impaired young people to discover their unique talents, cultivate their creativity, and pursue their passions. The organisation embraces the philosophy that every individual possesses innate abilities and deserves the opportunity to shine.

You can find out more about the charity here

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